There are 113,000 profiles registered on TAU2. Just imagine this number! Simply to look through all of them, you’ll have to sit in front of your computer for a few months, even if you don’t take any breaks for eating or sleeping. And among that number of people there is definitely a person who is right for you. Perhaps, that person is also looking for you. Why don’t you make that search easier?

There’s a simple and elegant way which will at the same time attract attention to yourself, show someone that you like them and move your profile to the first page of the catalogue.

All you have to do to achieve the three goals is to send a postcard. No special reason is necessary. It’s okay to contact the person whose profile you find interesting immediately. It’s better if your interest is not limited to adding this person to Your Selection list by clicking on the heart icon — send a postcard.

How To Send A Postcard?

If your profile has been filled out correctly, there should be no difficulties and you don’t even have to visit the profile of the person you’re interested in. Under each photo in the catalogue there are three icons in grey; the one you need is the icon in the middle, which shows a postcard. The other two icons let you express interest (by clicking on the heart icon) or send a letter to the owner of the profile.

Selecting A Picture

When you click on the ‘Send a postcard’ icon, you will get to a page with lots of pictures. This is the TAU2 postcards collection. We’ve done our best to select the pictures that would be a great start for getting to know another person and would allow you to express your mood. For example, you can send a postcard with a bench in an autumn part and invite your addressee for a pleasant conversation on this bench. The collection of postcards is constantly updated, at present we have the autumn collection and before each holiday we have a special holiday postcards set.

On the same webpage you will see the photographs that you have uploaded to your profile. You can add any image you like to those photographs. It can be a photograph, an interesting landscape view or a postcard downloaded from the internet or personally made by you.

Sending The Postcard

Choose one of the pictures and click on it. You will see a new webpage where you can type in your text (at the very top of the page). Please remember that this is only a postcard and your message should be short, 100 characters at the most, which is only slightly longer than a standard SMS. All you have to do now is to click on the ‘Send Postcard button’ and in a few seconds your addressee will receive your postcard and your profile will move to the top of the catalogue.

You can also send a postcard directly from the profile of the person you’re interested in. At the top of the profile page there’s the ‘Send Postcard’ link — it’s right under the user name and the city where the user lives. The procedure is same as described above: choose a postcard, type in your message and send it.

A Piece of Advice

Instead of a landscape or another standard postcard, you can send your own photo as a postcard. This way your addressee will instantly see who sent the postcard (and this is a great chance to make a good first impression!) and you can also be sure that she has never before got a postcard like this and never will, unless your first postcard will grow into something bigger.

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About The Author


Elena is the blog editor. She listens to your stories and writes them down for She talks to the couples who have found each other on TAU2 and tells their stories of love (Just Married! section). She interviews those who have just started on the road to a happy family (My Family section). She helps those whose search has got to a dead end. Write to her at

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  1. Эвелина says:

    Елена, добрый вечер и успехов нам всем, в начинаниях. Простой вопрос, что означают квадратики над фотографиями?

    • Viktor Viktor says:

      Квадратики, это дополнительные фотографии к анкете. Их можно смотреть не открывая анкеты. Зеленые квадратики — новые фотографии в анкете.

  2. Derya says:

    I actually clcleot postcards as well. I have kept every single one that I have received including from ones from my dad while he was on tour when I was a child. These pieces of paper make us so happy. I love the boost I get when I receive one from someone close by, because I know they spent that little amount of time thinking about me..

  3. Annushka says:

    Добрый вечер всем участникам сайта!я на сайте 4-й день.ещё не всё здесь знаю,но то что администрация сайта благосклонна к новичкам уже поняла,за что им большое спасибо.Немного о себе—5 лет вдова,в браке была счаслива,жили в любви и согласии,есть двое взрослых детей,но….личная жизнь должна быть у каждого человека,её ничто не заменит–ни дети,ни работа,ни хобби….вот потому я здесь—верю в любовь и знаю, что способна полюбить мужчину…))))..ОЧЕНЬ НАДЕЮСЬ НА ТО,ЧТО ОТЫЩЕТСЯ МУЖЧИНА,КОТОРЫЙ ПОЛЮБИТ МЕНЯ И МЫ БУДЕМ СЧАСТЛИВЫ!!!!

  4. Анастасия says:

    Если мне прислали свой электронный адрес для связи (а мужчина находится в Португалии), то написав на него я буду что-то оплачивать или нет. При переписке, кто оплачивает и за что.