A Round Figure: 650,000th member has registered on TAU2
The number of TAU2 members has gone over 650,000. On the average, 10,000 people register on the site every month. Just today thirty new profiles were published on TAU2. Olga from Mariupol became the lucky one: her profile is published as number 650,001. «I am 38 years old. You won’t believe it, but I’m already a grandmother!» — this is what this interesting young woman wrote about herself. Her most cherished desire is to be happy.
As for men, the first one to fully complete his profile and publish it was 27 year old Ajay from Portugal. «An ordinary fellow», as he described himself, he plays billiards and likes to travel.
We congratulate these lucky members and publish links to their profiles:
TAU2 website keeps growing and developing. There is support service available (you can ask questions about features of TAU2 and how to use them by writing to support@tau2.com), the blog has been launched (if you would like to be a blog author, write to blog@tau2.com), other projects are under development. At the same time the new version of the site is being developed. You can learn from our blog about the date when the new TAU2 will be launched and what pleasant changes you can expect from it. Follow our blog entries!
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- TAU2 Features (17)
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Виктор, Вы – молодец!!! Благодарю Вас за этот замечательный сайт. Аналогов не встречала. На мой взгляд – успешный проект и очень грамотный со всех сторон
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