The Postcards From The Heart Competition on TAU2 devoted to the Valentine’s Day attracted a lot of interest from TAU2 members. All the site users helped us choose the best postcards: we’ve received over 120,000 votes! The voting is over and we congratulate the winners!
Before Valentine’s Day we announced a competition for the best postcard from the heart. Within a few weeks, we have received over 800 entries. The ladies were participating much more actively than the men who entered only 7 (seven!) postcards.
The postcards turned out to be so different and so interesting that we have decided to let everybody take part in selecting the winners. It took a week to make a webpage for voting and now you can vote for the postcard from the heart that you like.
Valentine’s Day is coming, it’s the day of all lovers and those who are still looking for their better half. This is the day when one not only can, but definitely should say “I love you!”. You can say it with words or with gifts — the main thing is that the person you love hears you. TAU2 wants to celebrate as well and announces the postcard competition for Valentine’s Day. We will be glad if you take part in this competition — there are prizes, too!
If you were lucky to be born a lady, you may skip the rest of this text: for you, all TAU2 services are absolutely free. As for men, my apologies, guys, but some features are only available for a fee. Though it’s not too bad. Almost all site services (including communication) are free, both for women and for men, and whatever is not free doesn’t cost that much.
The number of TAU2 members has gone over 650,000. On the average, 10,000 people register on the site every month. Just today thirty new profiles were published on TAU2. Olga from Mariupol became the lucky one: her profile is published as number 650,001. «I am 38 years old. You won’t believe it, but I’m already a grandmother!» — this is what this interesting young woman wrote about herself. Her most cherished desire is to be happy.
We, the TAU2 Team, do our best to make the site even more convenient, interesting and useful to its users. At present we are working on the new version of the site, new features are being developed and implemented. Support has been working successfully and now we have started the blog.
- Just Married! (6)
- My Family (11)
- TAU2 Features (17)
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